@terascope/job-components / index / ValidatedJobConfig
Interface: ValidatedJobConfig
Defined in: packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:220
Extended by
Property | Type | Description | Defined in |
active | boolean | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:221 |
analytics | boolean | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:222 |
apis | APIConfig [] | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:230 |
assetIds? | string [] | This may not exist until ran in an execution | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:225 |
assets | string [] | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:223 |
autorecover? | boolean | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:226 |
cpu? | number | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:248 |
cpu_execution_controller? | number | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:250 |
env_vars | object | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:234 |
ephemeral_storage? | boolean | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:252 |
external_ports? | (number | ExternalPort )[] | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:254 |
kubernetes_image? | string | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:272 |
labels? | object | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:242 |
lifecycle | LifeCycle | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:227 |
log_level? | string | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:237 |
max_retries | number | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:228 |
memory? | number | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:256 |
memory_execution_controller? | number | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:258 |
name | string | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:229 |
operations | OpConfig [] | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:231 |
performance_metrics? | boolean | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:233 |
pod_spec_override? | Record <string , any > | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:260 |
probation_window | number | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:232 |
prom_metrics_add_default? | boolean | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:278 |
prom_metrics_enabled? | boolean | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:274 |
prom_metrics_port? | number | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:276 |
resources_limits_cpu? | number | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:266 |
resources_limits_memory? | number | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:268 |
resources_requests_cpu? | number | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:262 |
resources_requests_memory? | number | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:264 |
slicers | number | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:238 |
stateful? | boolean | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:240 |
targets? | Targets [] | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:246 |
volumes? | Volume [] | This will only be available in the context of k8s | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:270 |
workers | number | - | packages/types/dist/src/teraslice.d.ts:239 |