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A teraslice library for validating and transforming data


# Using yarn
yarn add @terascope/data-mate
# Using npm
npm install --save @terascope/data-mate


import { FieldValidator, FieldTransform } from '@terascope/data-mate';

const data = ['60,80', 'not a point'];

const points = data

points === [{ lat: 60, lon: 80 }]



all functions take as a second parameter a context? value. Some transforms and validations require the originating document from where the value came from to properly perform its actions. If there is no originating document, then you can simply pass in a empty object. All additional options for a function are passed into the third parameter as an object

Field Validations

Field validation functions accept an input and return a Boolean. If additional arguments are needed then an object containing parameters is passed in.

functionName(input, context, {arg1: 'ARG1', arg2: 'ARG2', etc... })


isString(input, context?) - Validates that input is a string or a list of strings

FieldValidator.isString('this is a string'); // true
FieldValidator.isString(true); // false
FieldValidator.isString(['hello', 'world']); // true
FieldValidator.isString(['hello', 3]); // false
FieldValidator.isString(17.343); // false


isNumber(input, context?) - Validates that input is a number or a list of numbers

FieldValidator.isNumber(42.32); // true;
FieldValidator.isNumber('NOT A Number'); // false
FieldValidator.isNumber([42.32, 245]); // true;
FieldValidator.isNumber([42.32, { some: 'obj' }]); // false;
FieldValidator.isNumber('1'); // false


isInteger(input, context?) - Validates that input is a integer or a list of integers

FieldValidator.isInteger(42); // true
FieldValidator.isInteger(3.14); // false
FieldValidator.isInteger(Infinity); // false
FieldValidator.isInteger('1'); // false
FieldValidator.isInteger(true); //false
FieldValidator.isInteger([42, 1]); // true
FieldValidator.isInteger([42, 3.14]); // false


FieldValidator.isBoolean(input, context?) - Checks to see if input is a Boolean. If given an array, will check if all values are booleans ignoring any null/undefined values

FieldValidator.isBoolean(false); // true
FieldValidator.isBoolean('astring'); // false
FieldValidator.isBoolean(0); // false
FieldValidator.isBoolean([true, undefined]); // true
FieldValidator.isBoolean(['true', undefined]; // false


isBooleanLike(input, context?) - returns true if input is a Boolean, truthy, or falsy. If an given an array, it will check to see if all values in the array are Boolean-like, does NOT ignore null/undefined values

truthy values are 1, '1', 'true', 'yes'

falsy values are 0, '0', 'false', 'no'

FieldValidator.isBooleanLike()); // true
FieldValidator.isBooleanLike(null)); // true
FieldValidator.isBooleanLike(0)); // true
FieldValidator.isBooleanLike('0')); // true
FieldValidator.isBooleanLike('false')); // true
FieldValidator.isBooleanLike('no')); // true
FieldValidator.isBooleanLike(['no', '0', null])); // true


FieldValidator.isGeoPoint(input, context?) - Checks to see if input is a valid geo-point, or a list of valid geo-points excluding null/undefined values

FieldValidator.isGeoPoint('60,80'); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoPoint([80, 60]); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoPoint({ lat: 60, lon: 80 }); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoPoint({ latitude: 60, longitude: 80 }); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoPoint(['60,80', { lat: 60, lon: 80 }]); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoPoint(['60,80', 'hello']); // false


FieldValidator.isGeoJSON(input, context?) - Checks to see if input is a valid geo-json geometry, or a list of geo-json geometries

const polygon = {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [
[[10, 10], [10, 50], [50, 50], [50, 10], [10, 10]],

FieldValidator.isGeoJSON(polygon); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoJSON([polygon, { other: 'obj'}]); // false


FieldValidator.isGeoShapePoint(input, context?) - Checks to see if input is a valid geo-json point, or a list of geo-json points

const polygon = {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [
[[10, 10], [10, 50], [50, 50], [50, 10], [10, 10]],

const point = {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [12, 12]

FieldValidator.isGeoShapePoint(polygon); // false
FieldValidator.isGeoShapePoint(point); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoShapePoint([polygon, point]); // false
FieldValidator.isGeoShapePoint([point, point]); // true


FieldValidator.isGeoShapePolygon(input, context?) - Checks to see if input is a valid geo-json polygon, or a list of geo-json polygons

  const polygon = {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [
[[10, 10], [10, 50], [50, 50], [50, 10], [10, 10]],

const point = {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [12, 12]

FieldValidator.isGeoShapePolygon(polygon); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoShapePolygon(point); // false
FieldValidator.isGeoShapePolygon([polygon, point]); // false
FieldValidator.isGeoShapePolygon([polygon, polygon]); // true


FieldValidator.isGeoShapeMultiPolygon(input, context?) - Checks to see if input is a valid geo-json multi-polygon or a list of geo-json multi-polygons

const polygon = {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [
[[10, 10], [10, 50], [50, 50], [50, 10], [10, 10]],

const point = {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [12, 12]

const multiPolygon = {
type: 'MultiPolygon',
coordinates: [
[[10, 10], [10, 50], [50, 50], [50, 10], [10, 10]],
[[-10, -10], [-10, -50], [-50, -50], [-50, -10], [-10, -10]],

FieldValidator.isGeoShapeMultiPolygon(polygon); // false
FieldValidator.isGeoShapeMultiPolygon(point); // false
FieldValidator.isGeoShapeMultiPolygon(multiPolygon); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoShapeMultiPolygon([multiPolygon, multiPolygon]); // true
FieldValidator.isGeoShapeMultiPolygon([multiPolygon, point]); // false


inNumberRange(input, context, args) - returns true if input is a Number within the min and max boundaries, or that the array on numbers are between the values

args: { min: Number, max: Number, inclusive?: Boolean } note that second parameter is parent object, if there is not any just pass an empty object

FieldValidator.inNumberRange(42, {}, { min: 0, max: 100}); // true
FieldValidator.inNumberRange([42, 11, 94], {}, { min: 0, max: 100}); // true
FieldValidator.inNumberRange([42, 11367, 94], {}, { min: 0, max: 100}); // false
FieldValidator.inNumberRange(-42, {}, { min:0 , max: 100 }); // false
FieldValidator.inNumberRange(42, {}, { min: 0, max: 42 }); // false without the inclusive option
FieldValidator.inNumberRange(42, {}, { min: 0, max: 42, inclusive: true }); // true with the inclusive option


isEmpty(input, context, args) - returns true for an empty string, array, or object

args: { ignoreWhitespace?: Boolean }

set ignoreWhitespace to true if you want the value to be trimmed

FieldValidator.isEmpty(''); // true
FieldValidator.isEmpty(undefined); // true
FieldValidator.isEmpty(null); // true
FieldValidator.isEmpty({ foo: 'bar' }); // false
FieldValidator.isEmpty({}); // true
FieldValidator.isEmpty([]); // true
// note that passing in arguments is the third parameter
FieldValidator.isEmpty(' ', {}, { ignoreWhitespace: true }); // true


contains(input, context, args) - returns true if input contains args value, or the list of inputs contains args value

args: { value: String }

FieldValidator.contains('hello', {}, { value: 'hello' }); // true
FieldValidator.contains('hello', {}, { value: 'll' }); // true
FieldValidator.contains(['hello', 'cello'], {}, { value: 'll' }); // true
FieldValidator.contains(['hello', 'stuff'], {}, { value: 'll' }); // false
FieldValidator.contains('12345', {}, { value: '45' }); // true


equals(input, context, args) - Validates that the input matches the value, of that the input array matches the value provided

args: { value: 'String' }

FieldValidator.equals('hello', { value: 'hello' }); // true
FieldValidator.equals([3, 3], { value: 3 }); // true
FieldValidator.equals('hello', { value: 'ello' }); // false


isLength(input, context, args) - Check to see if input is a string with given length ranges, or a list of valid string lengths

Optional args: { length: Number, min: Number, max: Number }

FieldValidator.isLength('astring', { size: 7 }); // true
FieldValidator.isLength('astring', { min: 3, max: 10 }); // true
FieldValidator.isLength('astring', { size: 10 }); // false
FieldValidator.isLength('astring', {}, { min: 8 }); // false
FieldValidator.isLength(['astring', 'stuff', 'other'], { min: 3, max: 10 }); // true


isAlpha(input, context?, args?) - Validates that the input is alpha or a list of alpha values

arg: { locale?: ANY LOCALE OPTION DEFINED BELOW }, default locale is en-US

Locale options: 'ar', 'ar-AE', 'ar-BH', 'ar-DZ', 'ar-EG', 'ar-IQ', 'ar-JO', 'ar-KW', 'ar-LB', 'ar-LY', 'ar-MA', 'ar-QA', 'ar-QM', 'ar-SA', 'ar-SD', 'ar-SY', 'ar-TN', 'ar-YE', 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-AU', 'en-GB', 'en-HK', 'en-IN', 'en-NZ', 'en-US', 'en-ZA', 'en-ZM', 'es-ES', 'fr-FR', 'fa-IR', 'he', 'hu-HU', 'it-IT', 'ku-IQ', 'nb-NO', 'nl-NL', 'nn-NO', 'pl-PL', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ru-RU', 'sl-SI', 'sk-SK', 'sr-RS', 'sr-RS@latin', 'sv-SE', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA'`

FieldValidator.isAlpha('validString'); // true
FieldValidator.isAlpha('ThisiZĄĆĘŚŁ', { locale: 'pl-PL' }); // true
FieldValidator.isAlpha('1123_not-valid'); // false
FieldValidator.isAlpha(['validString', 'more']); // true


isAlphanumeric(input, context?, args?) - Validates that the input is alphanumeric or a list of alphanumeric values

Optional arg: { locale: ANY LOCALE OPTION DEFINED BELOW }, default locale is en-US

Locale options: 'ar', 'ar-AE', 'ar-BH', 'ar-DZ', 'ar-EG', 'ar-IQ', 'ar-JO', 'ar-KW', 'ar-LB', 'ar-LY', 'ar-MA', 'ar-QA', 'ar-QM', 'ar-SA', 'ar-SD', 'ar-SY', 'ar-TN', 'ar-YE', 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-AU', 'en-GB', 'en-HK', 'en-IN', 'en-NZ', 'en-US', 'en-ZA', 'en-ZM', 'es-ES', 'fr-FR', 'fa-IR', 'he', 'hu-HU', 'it-IT', 'ku-IQ', 'nb-NO', 'nl-NL', 'nn-NO', 'pl-PL', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ru-RU', 'sl-SI', 'sk-SK', 'sr-RS', 'sr-RS@latin', 'sv-SE', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA'`

FieldValidator.isAlphanumeric('123validString'); // true
FieldValidator.isAlphanumeric('فڤقکگ1234', { locale: 'ku-IQ' }); // true
FieldValidator.isAlphanumeric('-- not valid'); // false
FieldValidator.isAlphanumeric(['134', 'hello']); // true


isASCII(input, context?) - Validates that the input is ASCII chars or a list of ASCII chars

FieldValidator.isASCII('ascii\s__'); // true;
FieldValidator.isASCII('˜∆˙©∂ß'); // false
FieldValidator.isASCII(['some', 'words']); // true;


isBase64(input, context?) - Validates that the input is a base64 encoded string or a list of base64 encoded strings

FieldValidator.isBase64('ZWFzdXJlLg=='); // true
FieldValidator.isBase64('not base 64'); // false
FieldValidator.isBase64(['ZWFzdXJlLg==', 'ZWFzdXJlLg==']); // true


isValidDate(input, context?) - Validates that the input is a valid date or a list of valid dates (epoch/ unix time)

FieldValidator.isValidDate('2019-03-17T23:08:59.673Z'); // true
FieldValidator.isValidDate('2019-03-17'); // true
FieldValidator.isValidDate('2019-03-17T23:08:59'); // true
FieldValidator.isValidDate('03/17/2019'); // true
FieldValidator.isValidDate('03-17-2019'); // true
FieldValidator.isValidDate('Jan 22, 2012'); // true
FieldValidator.isValidDate('23 Jan 2012'); // true
FieldValidator.isValidDate(1552000139); // true
FieldValidator.isValidDate('1552000139'); // false
FieldValidator.isValidDate(['2019-03-17', 1552000139]); // true;


isISO8601(input, context?) - Checks to see if input is a valid ISO8601 string dates or a list of valid dates

FieldValidator.isISO8601('2020-01-01T12:03:03.494Z'); //true
FieldValidator.isISO8601('2020-01-01'); // true
FieldValidator.isISO8601('2020-01-01T12:03:03'); // true
FieldValidator.isISO8601(['2020-01-01T12:03:03', '2020-01-01']); // true


isRFC3339(input, context?) - Validates that input is a valid RFC3339 dates or a list of valid RFC3339 dates

FieldValidator.isRFC3339('2020-01-01T12:05:05.001Z'); // true
FieldValidator.isRFC3339('2020-01-01 12:05:05.001Z'); // true
FieldValidator.isRFC3339('2020-01-01T12:05:05Z'); // true
FieldValidator.isRFC3339(['2020-01-01T12:05:05Z', '2020-01-01T12:05:05.001Z']); // true


isJSON(input, context?) - Validates that input is a valid JSON string or a list of valid JSON

FieldValidator.isJSON('{ "bob": "gibson" }'); // true
FieldValidator.isJSON({ bob: 'gibson' }); // false
FieldValidator.isJSON('[]'); // true
FieldValidator.isJSON('{}'); // true
FieldValidator.isJSON(['{ "bob": "gibson" }', '[]']); // true


isEmail(input, context?) - Return true if value is a valid email, or a list of valid emails

FieldValidator.isEmail('') // true
FieldValidator.isEmail('<tag value="junk"') // true
FieldValidator.isEmail(''); // true
FieldValidator.isEmail(12345); // false
FieldValidator.isEmail(['', '']); // true


isFQDN(input, context?, args) - Validate that the input is a valid domain name, or a list of domain names

args: { require_tld = true, allow_underscores = false, allow_trailing_dot = false }

FieldValidator.isFQDN(''); // true
FieldValidator.isFQDN('notadomain'); // false
FieldValidator.isFQDN(['', '']); // true


isURL(input, context?) - Validates that the input is a url or a list of urls

FieldValidator.isURL(''); // true
FieldValidator.isURL(''); // true
FieldValidator.isURL('http://xn--fsqu00a.xn--3lr804guic'); // true
FieldValidator.isURL(''); // true
FieldValidator.isURL('BAD-URL'); // false
FieldValidator.isURL(['', '']); // true


isIP(input, context?) - Validates that the input is an IP address, or a list of IP addresses

FieldValidator.isIP(''); // true
FieldValidator.isIP(''); // true
FieldValidator.isIP(''); // true
FieldValidator.isIP('2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348'); // true
FieldValidator.isIP('fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a%eth2'); // true
FieldValidator.isIP('2001:DB8::1'); // true
FieldValidator.isIP(''); // true
FieldValidator.isIP(['', '']); // true


isRoutableIP(input, context?) - Validate is input is a routable IP, or a list of routable IP's

Works for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

FieldValidator.isRoutableIP(''); // true
FieldValidator.isRoutableIP('2001:db8::1'); // true
FieldValidator.isRoutableIP(''); // true
FieldValidator.isRoutableIP(''); // false
FieldValidator.isRoutableIP(['', '']); // true


isNonRoutableIP(input, context?) - Validate is input is a non-routable IP, or a list of non-routable IP's

Works for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

FieldValidator.isNonRoutableIP(''); // true
FieldValidator.isNonRoutableIP(''); // true
FieldValidator.isNonRoutableIP('fc00:db8::1'); // true
FieldValidator.isNonRoutableIP(''); // false
FieldValidator.isNonRoutableIP('2001:db8::1'); // false
FieldValidator.isNonRoutableIP(['', '']); // true


isCIDR(input, context?) - Validates that input is a CIDR or a list of CIDR values

Works for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

FieldValidator.isCIDR(''); // true
FieldValidator.isCIDR('2001::1234:5678/128'); // true
FieldValidator.isCIDR(''); // false
FieldValidator.isCIDR(['', '2001::1234:5678/128']); // true


inIPRange(input, context, args) - Validates if the input IP is within a given range of IP's, or that a list of inputs IP are in range

Optional args: { min?: IP_ADDRESS, max?: IP_ADDRESS, cidr?: IP_ADDRESS/CIDR } default values:

  • MIN_IPV4_IP = '';
  • MAX_IPV4_IP = '';
  • MIN_IPV6_IP = '::';
  • MAX_IPV6_IP = 'ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff.ffff';

Works for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

FieldValidator.inIPRange('', {}, { cidr: '' }); // true
FieldValidator.inIPRange('fd00::b000', {}, { min: 'fd00::123', max: 'fd00::ea00' }); // true;
FieldValidator.inIPRange('', {}, { cidr: '' }); // false

const config = { min: '', max: '' };
FieldValidator.inIPRange(['', ''], {}, config); // true


isISDN(input, context?) - Validates that the input is a valid phone Number, or a list of phone numbers. Based on googles libphonenumber library.

FieldValidator.isISDN('46707123456'); // true
FieldValidator.isISDN('1-808-915-6800'); // true
FieldValidator.isISDN('NOT A PHONE Number'); // false
FieldValidator.isISDN(79525554602); // true
FieldValidator.isISDN(['46707123456', '1-808-915-6800']); // true


isMACAddress(input, context?, args?) - Validates that the input is a MACAddress, or a list of MACAddressess

Optional args { delimiter: ['colon', 'dash', 'space', 'dot', 'none', 'any'] }

delimiter can be a string of one delimiter or an array of multiple delimiters

'none' means no delimiter in the mac address and 'any' checks all delimiters for a valid mac address

Default is 'any'

FieldValidator.isMACAddress('00:1f:f3:5b:2b:1f'); // true
FieldValidator.isMACAddress('001ff35b2b1f'); // true
FieldValidator.isMACAddress('001f.f35b.2b1f',{}, { delimiter: 'dot' }); // true

const manyDelimiters = { delimiter: ['dash', 'colon', 'space'] }
FieldValidator.isMACAddress('00-1f-f3-5b-2b-1f', {}, manyDelimiters); // true
FieldValidator.isMACAddress(12345); // false

// specified colon and space delimiter only
const twoDelimiters = { delimiter: ['colon', 'space'] };
FieldValidator.isMACAddress('00-1f-f3-5b-2b-1f', {}, twoDelimiters ); // false,
FieldValidator.isMACAddress(['001ff35b2b1f', '00:1f:f3:5b:2b:1f']); // true


isUUID(input, context?) - Validates that input is a UUID or a list of UUID's

FieldValidator.isUUID('0668CF8B-27F8-2F4D-4F2D-763AC7C8F68B'); // true
FieldValidator.isUUID('BAD-UUID'); // false
]); // true


isHash(input, context, args) - Validates that the input is a hash, or a list of hashes


Hash options: md4, md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripemd128, ripemd160, tiger128, tiger160, tiger192, crc32, crc32b

FieldValidator.isHash('6201b3d1815444c87e00963fcf008c1e', {}, { algo: 'md5' }); // true
FieldValidator.isHash('85031b6f407e7f25cf826193338f7a4c2dc8c8b5130f5ca2c69a66d9f5107e33', {}, { algo: 'sha256' }); // true
FieldValidator.isHash('98fc121ea4c749f2b06e4a768b92ef1c740625a0', {}, { algo: 'sha1' }); // true
FieldValidator.isHash(['6201b3d1815444c87e00963fcf008c1e', undefined],
{ algo: 'md5' }
); // true


isCountryCode(input, context?) - Validates that input is a valid country code or a list of country codes

FieldValidator.isCountryCode('IS'); // true
FieldValidator.isCountryCode('ru'); // true
FieldValidator.isCountryCode('USA'); // false
FieldValidator.isCountryCode(['IS', 'ru']); // true


isMIMEType(input, context?) - Validates that input is a valid mimeType or a list of mimeTypes

FieldValidator.isMIMEType('application/javascript'); // true
FieldValidator.isMIMEType('application/graphql'); // true
FieldValidator.isMIMEType(12345); // false
FieldValidator.isMIMEType(['application/graphql', 'application/javascript']); // true


isISSN(input, context?, args?) - returns true if input is a valid international standard serial Number or a list of valid ISSN's

args: { require_hyphen = false, case_sensitive = false }

FieldValidator.isISSN('0378-5955'); // true
FieldValidator.isISSN('03785955'); // true
FieldValidator.isISSN('0378-5955', {}, { requireHyphen: true }); // true
FieldValidator.isISSN(['0378-5955', '0000-006x']); // true


guard(input, context?) - Will throw if input is null or undefined

FieldValidator.guard('03785955'); // true
FieldValidator.guard(); // WILL THROW


exists(input, context?) - Will return false if input is null or undefined

FieldValidator.exists('03785955'); // true
FieldValidator.exists(null); // false


isArray(input, context?) - Validates that the input is an array

FieldValidator.isArray(undefined); // false
FieldValidator.isArray([1, 2, 3]); // true
FieldValidator.isArray([]); // true


some(input, context, args) - Validates that the function specified returns true at least once on the list of values

args: { fn: String, options: Any }

fn - must be a function name from FieldValidator options - any additional parameters necessary for the fn being evoked

const mixedArray = ['hello', 3, { some: 'obj' }];
FieldValidator.some(mixedArray, mixedArray, fn: 'isString' }); // true
FieldValidator.some(mixedArray, mixedArray, { fn: 'isBoolean' }); // false


every(input, context?, args) - Validates that the function specified returns true for every single value in the list

args: { fn: String, options: Any }

fn must be a function name from FieldValidator

const strArray = ['hello', 'world'];

FieldValidator.every([mixedArray, mixedArray { fn: 'isString' }); // false
FieldValidator.every(strArray, strArray, { fn: 'isString' }); // true


isPostalCode(input, context?, args?) - Validates that input is a valid postal code or a list of postal codes

Optional arg: { locale?: 'ANY OF THE DEFINED LOCATIONS BELOW' }

locations: AD, AT, AU, BE, BG, BR, CA, CH, CZ, DE, DK, DZ, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, ID, IE, IL, IN, IS, IT, JP, KE, LI, LT, LU, LV, MX, MT, NL, NO, NZ, PL, PR, PT, RO, RU, SA, SE, SI, SK, TN, TW, UA, US, ZA, ZM

default locale is any

FieldValidator.isPostalCode('85249'); // true
FieldValidator.isPostalCode('85249', {}, { locale: 'any' }); // true
FieldValidator.isPostalCode('85249', {}, { locale: 'ES' }); // false
FieldValidator.isPostalCode('852', {}, { locale: 'IS' }); // true
FieldValidator.isPostalCode('885 49', {}, { locale: 'SE' }); // true
FieldValidator.isPostalCode(1234567890); // false
FieldValidator.isPostalCode(['85249']); // true

Field Transforms


toBoolean(input, context?) - Converts values to booleans, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toBoolean('0'); // false
FieldTransform.toBoolean(['foo', 'false', null]); // [true, false];


toString(input, context?) - Converts values to strings, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toString(true); // 'true';
FieldTransform.toString([true, undefined, false]); // ['true', 'false'];


toNumber(input, context?, args?) - Converts a value to a number if possible

args: { booleanLike: Boolean }

if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toNumber('12321'); // 12321;
FieldTransform.toNumber('000011'); // 11;
FieldTransform.toNumber('true', {}, { booleanLike: true }); // 1;
FieldTransform.toNumber(null, {}, { booleanLike: true }); // 0;
FieldTransform.toNumber(null); // null;
FieldTransform.toNumber(['000011', '12321']); // [11, 12321];


toUpperCase(input, context?) - Converts strings to UpperCase, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

 FieldTransform.toUpperCase('lowercase'); // 'LOWERCASE';
FieldTransform.toUpperCase(['MixEd', null, 'lower']); // ['MIXED', 'LOWER'];


toLowerCase(input, context?) - Converts strings to lowercase, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

 FieldTransform.toLowerCase('UPPERCASE'); // 'uppercase';
FieldTransform.toLowerCase(['MixEd', null, 'UPPER']); // ['mixed', 'upper'];


toCamelCase(input, context?) - Will convert a string, or an array of strings to camel case

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toCamelCase('I need camel case'); // 'iNeedCamelCase';
FieldTransform.toCamelCase('happyBirthday'); // 'happyBirthday';
FieldTransform.toCamelCase('what_is_this'); // 'whatIsThis';

const array = ['what_is_this', 'I need camel case'];
FieldTransform.toCamelCase(array); // ['whatIsThis', 'iNeedCamelCase'];


toKebabCase(input, context?) - Will convert a string, or an array of strings to kebab case

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toKebabCase('I need kebab case'); // 'i-need-kebab-case';
FieldTransform.toKebabCase('happyBirthday'); // 'happy-birthday';
FieldTransform.toKebabCase('what_is_this'); // 'what-is-this';
FieldTransform.toKebabCase('this-should-be-kebab'); // 'this-should-be-kebab';

const array = ['happyBirthday', 'what_is_this']
FieldTransform.toKebabCase(array); // ['happy-birthday', 'what-is-this'];


toPascalCase(input, context?) - Converts a string to pascal case, or an array of strings

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toPascalCase('I need pascal case'); // 'INeedPascalCase';
FieldTransform.toPascalCase('happyBirthday'); // 'HappyBirthday';
FieldTransform.toPascalCase('what_is_this'); // 'WhatIsThis';

const array = ['happyBirthday', 'what_is_this']
FieldTransform.toKebabCase(array); // ['HappyBirthday', 'WhatIsThis'];


toSnakeCase(input, context?) - Converts a string, or an array of strings to snake case

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toSnakeCase('I need snake case'); // 'i_need_snake_case';
FieldTransform.toSnakeCase('happyBirthday'); // 'happy_birthday';
FieldTransform.toSnakeCase('what_is_this'); // 'what_is_this';

const array = ['happyBirthday', 'what_is_this']
FieldTransform.toKebabCase(array); // ['happy_birthday', 'what_is_this'];


toTitleCase(input, context?) - Converts a string, or an array of strings to title case

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toTitleCase('I need some capitols'); // 'I Need Some Capitols';
FieldTransform.toTitleCase('happyBirthday'); // 'Happy Birthday';
FieldTransform.toTitleCase('what_is_this'); // 'What Is This';

const array = ['happyBirthday', 'what_is_this']
FieldTransform.toKebabCase(array); // ['Happy Birthday', 'What Is This'];


trim(input, context?, args?) - Will trim the input, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

args: { char?: String }

char - if provided, are the chars/words to be cut out

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.trim('right    '); // 'right';
FieldTransform.trim('fast cars race fast', {}, { char: 'fast' }); // ' cars race ';
FieldTransform.trim(' string ')).toBe('string');
FieldTransform.trim(' left')).toBe('left');
FieldTransform.trim('.*.*a regex test.*.*.*.* stuff', {}, { char: '.*' }); // 'a regex test'
FieldTransform.trim('\t\r\rtrim this\r\r', {}, { char: '\r' }); // 'trim this'
FieldTransform.trim(' '); // ''
FieldTransform.trim(['right ', ' left']); // ['right', 'left'];


trimStart(input, context?, args) - Will trim the beginning of the input if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

args: { char?: String }

char - if provided, are the chars/words to be cut out

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.trimStart('    Hello Bob    '); // 'Hello Bob    ';
FieldTransform.trimStart('iiii-wordiwords-iii', {}, { char: 'i' }); // '-wordiwords-iii';
FieldTransform.trimStart([' Hello Bob ', 'right ']); // ['Hello Bob ', 'right '];


trimEnd(input, context?, args) - Will trim the end of the input if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

args: { char?: String }

char - if provided, are the chars/words to be cut out

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.trimEnd('    Hello Bob    '); // '    Hello Bob';
FieldTransform.trimEnd('iiii-wordiwords-iii', {}, { char: 'i' }); // 'iiii-wordiwords';
FieldTransform.trimEnd([' Hello Bob ', 'right ']); // [' Hello Bob', 'right'];


truncate(input, context?, args) - Will truncate the input to the length of the size given. If given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

args: { size: Number }

size - the size that values should be truncated

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.truncate('thisisalongstring', {}, { size: 4 }); // 'this';
FieldTransform.truncate(['hello', null, 'world'], {}, { size: 2 }); // ['he', 'wo'];


toISDN(input, context?) - Parses a string or number to a fully validated phone number. If given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toISDN('+33-1-22-33-44-55'); // '33122334455';
FieldTransform.toISDN('1(800)FloWErs'); // '18003569377';
FieldTransform.toISDN(['1(800)FloWErs','+33-1-22-33-44-55' ]); // ['18003569377', '33122334455'];


encodeBase64(input, context?) - converts a value into a base64 encoded value if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const str = 'hello world';

const encodedValue = FieldTransform.encodeBase64(str);
const arrayOfEncodedValues = FieldTransform.encodeBase64([str]);


encodeURL(input, context?) - URL encodes a value if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const source = 'HELLO AND GOODBYE';
const encoded = 'HELLO%20AND%20GOODBYE';

FieldTransform.encodeURL(source); // encoded;
const arrayOfEncodedValues = FieldTransform.encodeURL([source]);


encodeHex(input, context?) - hex encodes the input if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const source = 'hello world';

const arrayOfEncodedValues = FieldTransform.encodeHex([source]);


encodeMD5(input, context?) - MD5 encodes the input, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const source = 'hello world';

const arrayOfEncodedValues = FieldTransform.encodeMD5([source]);


encodeSHA(input, context?, args) - SHA encodes the input to the hash specified if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

args { hash = 'sha256', digest = 'hex' }

hash - what ever is available on your node server, defaults to sha256 possible digest values (defaults to hex):

  • ['ascii', 'utf8', 'utf16le', 'ucs2', 'base64', 'latin1', 'hex', 'binary']

returns null if input is null/undefined

const data = 'some string';
const config = { hash: 'sha256', digest: 'hex'};
fieldTransform.encodeSHA(data , {}, config)
const arrayOfEncodedValues = FieldTransform.encodeSHA([source], {}, config);


encodeSHA1(input, context?) - converts the value to a SHA1 encoded value, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const source = 'hello world';

const arrayOfEncodedValues = FieldTransform.encodeSHA([source]);


decodeBase64(input, context?) - decodes a base64 encoded value, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const str = 'hello world';
const encoded = encodeBase64(str);

const results = FieldTransform.decodeBase64(encoded)
results === str

FieldTransform.decodeBase64([encoded]) === [str]


decodeHex(input, context?) - decodes the hex encoded input if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const source = 'hello world';
const encoded = encodeHex(source);

FieldTransform.decodeHex(encoded); // source;
FieldTransform.decodeHex([encoded]); // [source];


decodeURL(input, context?) - decodes a URL encoded value if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const source = 'HELLO AND GOODBYE';
const encoded = 'HELLO%20AND%20GOODBYE';

FieldTransform.decodeURL(encoded); // source;
FieldTransform.decodeURL([encoded]); //[source];


parseJSON(input, context?) - Parses the json input, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

 const obj = { hello: 'world' };
const json = JSON.stringify(obj);
const results = FieldTransform.parseJSON(json);
results === obj

FieldTransform.parseJSON([json]); // [obj]


toJSON(input, context?) - Converts input to JSON if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const obj = { hello: 'world' };

FieldTransform.toJSON(obj); // '{"hello": "world"}'
FieldTransform.toJSON([obj]); // ['{"hello": "world"}']


dedupe(input, context?) - returns an array with only unique values

returns null if input is null/undefined

const results = FieldTransform.dedupe([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, undefined, 4])
results === [1, 2, 3, undefined, 4]


toGeoPoint(input, context?) - Converts the value into a geo-point, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

returns null if input is null/undefined

fieldTransform.toGeoPoint('60, 40') // { lon: 40, lat: 60 };
fieldTransform.toGeoPoint([40, 60]) // { lon: 40, lat: 60 };
fieldTransform.toGeoPoint({ lat: 40, lon: 60 }) // { lon: 60, lat: 40 };
fieldTransform.toGeoPoint({ latitude: 40, longitude: 60 }) // { lon: 60, lat: 40 };

const results = FieldTransform.toGeoPoint(['60, 40', null, [50, 60]]);
results === [{ lon: 40, lat: 60 },{ lon: 50, lat: 60 }];


extract(input, context, args) - Can extract values from a string input. You may either specify a regex, a jexl expression, or specify the start and end from which the extraction will take all values inbetween, if given an array it will convert everything in the array excluding null/undefined values

args - { regex?: String, isMultiValue = true, jexlExp?: String, start?: String, end?: String }

If regex is specified, it will run the regex against the value.

If isMultiValue is true, then an array containing the return results will be returned. If it is set to false, then only the first possible extraction will be returned.

start/end are used as boundaries for extraction, should not be used with jexlExp or regex

jexlExp is a jexl expression =>

returns null if input is null/undefined

 const results = FieldTransform.extract('<hello>', { field: '<hello>' }, { start: '<', end: '>' ;
results; // 'hello';

const results = FieldTransform.extract({ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'bar' } { jexlExp: '[foo]' });
results; // ['bar'];

const results = FieldTransform.extract('hello', { field: 'hello'} { regex: 'he.*' });
results; // ['hello'];

const results = FieldTransform.extract('hello', { field: 'hello'} { regex: 'he.*', isMultiValue: false });
results; // 'hello';

const context = { field: ['<hello>', '<world>'] };
const results = FieldTransform.extract(['<hello>', '<world>'], context, config);
results; // ['hello', 'world'];


replaceRegex(input, context, args) - This function replaces chars in a string based off the regex value provided

args - { regex: String, replace: String, ignoreCase = false, global = false }

returns null if input is null/undefined

const config =  { regex: 's|e', replace: 'd' };
const results = FieldTransform.replaceRegex('somestring', {}, config)
results1 === 'domestring'

const config = { regex: 's|e', replace: 'd', global: true };
const results = FieldTransform.replaceRegex('somestring', {}, config)
results === 'domddtring'

const results = FieldTransform.replaceRegex(['somestring', 'hello'], {}, config)
results === ['domddtring', 'hdllo']

const results = FieldTransform.replaceRegex('somestring', {}, config)
results === 'domddtring'

const config = {
regex: 'm|t', replace: 'W', global: true, ignoreCase: true
const results = FieldTransform.replaceRegex('soMesTring', {}, config))
results === 'soWesWring'


replaceLiteral(input, context, args) - This function replaces the searched value with the replace value

args - { search: String, replace: String }

search is the word that is to be changed to the value specified with the parameter replace

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.replaceLiteral('Hi bob', {}, { search: 'bob', replace: 'mel' }) // 'Hi mel';
FieldTransform.replaceLiteral('Hi Bob', {}, { search: 'bob', replace: 'Mel ' }) // 'Hi Bob';

const data = ['Hi bob', 'hello bob'];
const config = { search: 'bob', replace: 'mel' };
FieldTransform.replaceLiteral(data, {}, config) // ['Hi mel', 'hello mel'];


splitString(input, context?, args?) - Converts a string to an array of characters split by the delimiter provided

args - { delimiter?: String }

delimiter defaults to an empty string

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.splitString('astring'); // ['a', 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g'];
FieldTransform.splitString('astring', {}, { delimiter: ',' }); // ['astring'];

const config = { delimiter: '-' };
FieldTransform.splitString('a-stri-ng', {}, config); // ['a', 'stri', 'ng'];

const results = FieldTransform.splitString(['a-stri-ng', 'hello-world'], {}, config);
results // [['a', 'stri', 'ng'], ['hello', 'world']];


toUnixTime(input, context?, args) - Converts a given date to its time in milliseconds or seconds ? args - { ms = false } set ms to true if you want time in milliseconds returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toUnixTime('2020-01-01'); // 1577836800;
FieldTransform.toUnixTime('Jan 1, 2020 UTC'); // 1577836800;
FieldTransform.toUnixTime('2020 Jan, 1 UTC'); // 1577836800;

FieldTransform.toUnixTime(1580418907000); // 1580418907;
FieldTransform.toUnixTime(1580418907000, {}, { ms: true }); // 1580418907000;

FieldTransform.toUnixTime(['Jan 1, 2020 UTC', '2020 Jan, 1 UTC']); // [1577836800, 1577836800];


toISO8601(input, context?, args) - Converts a date string or number to an ISO date

args - { resolution?: String } resolution value: ['seconds', 'milliseconds'], defaults to seconds

returns null if input is null/undefined

FieldTransform.toISO8601('2020-01-01'); // '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z';

const config = { resolution: 'seconds' };
FieldTransform.toISO8601(1580418907, {}, config); // '2020-01-30T21:15:07.000Z';

const data = ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-02'];
FieldTransform.toISO8601(data); // ['2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', '2020-01-02T00:00:00.000Z'];


formatDate(input, context, args) - Function that will format a number or date string to a given date format provided

args - { format: String, resolution?: String } format is the shape that the date will be ie(M/d/yyyy) resolution value: ['seconds', 'milliseconds'], defaults to seconds, is only needed when input is a number

returns null if input is null/undefined

const results1 = FieldTransform.formatDate('2020-01-14T20:34:01.034Z', {}, { format: 'MMM do yy' })
results1 === 'Jan 14th 20';

const results2 = FieldTransform.formatDate('March 3, 2019', {}, { format: 'M/d/yyyy' })
results2 === '3/3/2019';

const config = { format: 'yyyy-MM-dd', resolution: 'seconds' };
const results3 = FieldTransform.formatDate(1581013130, {}, config)
results3 === '2020-02-06';

const results = FieldTransform.formatDate([1581013130856, undefined], {}, { format: 'yyyy-MM-dd' })
results // ['2020-02-06']);


parseDate(input, context?, args) - Will use date-fns parse against the input and return a date object

args - { format: String }

format is the shape that the date will be ie(M/d/yyyy)

returns null if input is null/undefined

const result = FieldTransform.parseDate('2020-01-10-00:00', {}, { format: 'yyyy-MM-ddxxx' })
result === new Date('2020-01-10T00:00:00.000Z');

const result = FieldTransform.parseDate('Jan 10, 2020-00:00', {}, { format: 'MMM dd, yyyyxxx' })
result === new Date('2020-01-10T00:00:00.000Z');

const result = FieldTransform.parseDate(1581025950223, {}, { format: 'T' })
result === new Date('2020-02-06T21:52:30.223Z');

const result = FieldTransform.parseDate(1581025950, {}, { format: 't' })
result === new Date('2020-02-06T21:52:30.000Z');

const result = FieldTransform.parseDate('1581025950', {}, { format: 't' })
result === new Date('2020-02-06T21:52:30.000Z');

const result = FieldTransform.parseDate(['1581025950', 1581025950], {}, { format: 't' })
result === [new Date('2020-02-06T21:52:30.000Z'), new Date('2020-02-06T21:52:30.000Z')];


setDefault(input, context?, args) - This function is used to set a value if input is null or undefined, otherwise the input value is returned

args: { value: Any }

value is what will be given when input is null/undefined

const results = FieldTransform.setDefault(undefined, { value: 'someValue' });
results === 'someValue';


map(input, context?, args) - This function is used to map an array of values with any FieldTransform method

args: { fn: String, options: Any }

returns null if input is null/undefined

fn must be a function name from FieldTransform options are any additional parameters necessary for the fn being evoked

 const array = ['hello', 'world', 'goodbye'];
const results =, { fn: 'truncate', options: { size: 3 } }
results === ['hel', 'wor', 'goo']

Record Validations


required(input, context, args) - This function will return false if input record does not have all specified keys

args - { fields: string[] }

const obj1 = { foo: 'hello', bar: 'stuff' };
const obj2 = { foo: 123412 };
const fields = ['bar'];

const results1 = RecordValidator.required(obj1, obj1, { fields });
const results2 = RecordValidator.required(obj2, obj2, { fields });

results1; // true;
results2; // false;


select(input, context, args) - Will return true if an object matches the xLucene expression

args - { query: xLuceneQuery, type_config?: xLuceneTypeConfig, variables?: xLuceneVariables }

const obj1 = { foo: 'hello', bar: 'stuff' };
const obj2 = { foo: 123412 };
const args = { query: '_exists_:bar' };

const results1 =, obj1, args);
const results2 =, obj2, args);

results1; // true;
results2; // false;


reject(input, context, args) - Will return true if an object DOES NOT match the xLucene expression

args - { query: xLuceneQuery, type_config?: xLuceneTypeConfig, variables?: xLuceneVariables }

const obj1 = { foo: 'hello', bar: 'stuff' };
const obj2 = { foo: 123412 };
const args = { query: '_exists_:bar' };

const results1 = RecordValidator.reject(obj1, obj1, args);
const results2 = RecordValidator.reject(obj2, obj2, args);

results1; // false;
results2; // true;

Record Transforms


renameField(input, context, args) - This will migrate a fields value to a new field name

args - { from: string; to: string }

const obj = { hello: 'world' };
const config = { from: 'hello', to: 'goodbye' };
const results = RecordTransform.renameField(cloneDeep(obj), config);
results === { goodbye: 'world' };


setField(input, context, args) - Sets a field on a record with the given value

args - { field: string; value: Any }

const obj = { hello: 'world' };
const config = { field: 'other', value: 'stuff' };
const results = RecordTransform.setField(cloneDeep(obj), obj, config);
results === { hello: 'world', other: 'stuff' };


dropFields(input, context, args) - removes fields from a record

args - { fields: string[] }

const obj = { hello: 'world', other: 'stuff', last: 'thing' };
const config = { fields: ['other', 'last']} ;
const results = RecordTransform.dropFields(cloneDeep(obj), obj, config);
results === { hello: 'world' };


copyField(input, context, args) - Will copy a field to another field

args - { from: string; to: string }

const obj = { hello: 'world', other: 'stuff' };
const config = { from: 'other', to: 'myCopy' };
const results = RecordTransform.copyField(cloneDeep(obj), obj, config);
results; // { hello: 'world', other: 'stuff', myCopy: 'stuff' };


transformRecord(input, context, args) - Will execute a jexl expression. Can use data-mate functions inside the jexl expression. You do not need to specify the parent context argument as that is automatically the document used as to call it.

args - { jexlExp: string; field: string }

const obj = { num: 1234 };
const config = { jexlExp: 'num * 2', field: 'calc' };

const results = RecordTransform.transformRecord(
obj, obj, config
results === { num: 1234, calc: 1234 * 2 };

const obj = { foo: 'bar' };
const config = {
jexlExp: 'foo|extract({ jexlExp: "foo|toUpperCase" })', field: 'final'

const mixedData = [obj, undefined, null];

const results = RecordTransform.transformRecord(
mixedData, mixedData, config
results === [{ foo: 'bar', final: 'BAR' }];

Document Matcher

This takes in a lucene based query along with some configuration and allows you to run data against it to see if it matches

const { DocumentMatcher } = require('xlucene-evaluator');

// you can set the configuration at instantiation time as well if you call parse()
const matcher1 = new DocumentMatcher('some:data AND (other:stuff OR other:things)');

const data1 = { some: 'data', other: 'stuff' };
const data2 = { some: 'data', fake: 'stuff' };

matcher1.match(data1) // true
matcher1.match(data2) // false

const matcher2 = new DocumentMatcher('some:data OR (other:stuff OR other:things)');

matcher2.match(data1) // true
matcher2.match(data2) // true

// more complex queries

const matcher3 = new DocumentMatcher('key:value AND (duration:<=10000 OR ipfield:{"" TO ""])', {
type_config: {
ipfield: 'ip',
key: 'string',
duration: 'integer'

const data3 = { ipfield: '', key: 'value', duration: 9263 };
const data4 = { ipfield: '', key: 'otherValue', duration: 9263 };

matcher3.match(data3) // true
matcher3.match(data4) // false

const data5 = { location: '33.435967,-111.867710', some: 'key', bytes: 123432 };
const data6 = { location: '22.435967,-150.867710', other: 'key', bytes: 123432 };
const data7 = { location: '22.435967,-150.867710', bytes: 100 };

const matcher4 = new DocumentMatcher('location:geoBox(top_left_:"33.906320,-112.758421", bottom_right:"32.813646,-111.058902") OR (some:/ke.*/ OR bytes:>=10000)', {
type_config: {
location: 'geo',
bytes: 'integer',
some: 'string'

matcher4.match(data5) // true
matcher4.match(data6) // true
matcher4.match(data7) // false


You may specify ranges using < > <= >= syntax as well as [] (inclusive) and {} signs. A * may be used to signify infinity or -infinity depending where it is used.

const data1 = { age: 8 };
const data2 = { age: 10 };
const data3 = { age: 15 };

// This query is the same as age:{10 TO 20}
const matcher1 = new DocumentMatcher('age:(>10 AND <20)');

matcher1.match(data) // false
matcher1.match(data2) // false
matcher1.match(data3) // true

//This is functionally equivalent to the query above
const matcher2 = new DocumentMatcher('age:{10 TO 20}');

matcher2.match(data) // false
matcher2.match(data2) // false
matcher2.match(data3) // true

// This query is the same as age:[10 TO 20}
const matcher3 = new DocumentMatcher('age:(>=10 AND <20)');

matcher3.match(data) // false
matcher3.match(data2) // true
matcher3.match(data3) // true

const matcher4 = new DocumentMatcher('age:[10 TO 20}');

matcher4.match(data) // false
matcher4.match(data2) // true
matcher4.match(data3) // true

const matcher5 = new DocumentMatcher('age:{10 TO *}');

matcher5.match(data) // false
matcher5.match(data2) // false
matcher5.match(data3) // true


NOTE: Strings that contain dates, ip's and the like will be treated as exact match queries unless you specify the type of the field in the configuration


This has support for ipv4, ipv6 and cidr notation. Any cidr notation value need to be quoted while ipv4 and ipv6 do not

const data1 = { ipfield: '' };
const data2 = { ipfield: '' };

// not specifying types turns it into a exact match query
const staticMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('ipfield:""');

staticMatcher.match(data1) // true
staticMatcher.match(data2) // false

const IptypeMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('ipfield:""', {
type_config: {
ipfield: 'ip'

IptypeMatcher.match(data1) // true
IptypeMatcher.match(data2) // true

// can use range modifiers

const data3 = { ipfield: '' };
const data4 = { ipfield: '' };
const data5 = { ipfield: '' };
const data6 = { ipfield: '' };
const data7 = { ipfield: '' };

const rangeIpMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('ipfield:[ TO]', {
type_config: {
ipfield: 'ip'

rangeIpMatcher.match(data3) // true
rangeIpMatcher.match(data4) // true
rangeIpMatcher.match(data5) // true
rangeIpMatcher.match(data6) // true
rangeIpMatcher.match(data7) // true


Has support for date comparison

const data1 = { _created: 'Thu Oct 18 2018 11:13:20 GMT-0700' };
const data2 = { _created: '2018-10-18T18:13:20.683Z' };

// not specifying types turns it into a exact match query
const staticMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('_created:"2018-10-18T18:13:20.683Z"');

staticMatcher.match(data1) // false
staticMatcher.match(data2) // true

const data3 = { _created: 'Thu Oct 18 2018 22:13:20 GMT-0700' };
const data4 = { _created: '2018-10-18T18:13:20.683Z' };
const data5 = { _created: '2018-10-18T18:15:34.123Z' };
const data6 = { _created: 'Thu, 18 Oct 2020 18:13:20 GMT' };
const data7 = { _created: 'Thu, 13 Oct 2018 18:13:20 GMT' };

const dateTypeMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('_created:[2018-10-18T18:13:20.683Z TO *]', {
type_config: {
_created: 'date'

dateTypeMatcher.match(data3) // true
dateTypeMatcher.match(data4) // true
dateTypeMatcher.match(data5) // true
dateTypeMatcher.match(data6) // true
dateTypeMatcher.match(data7) // false

const dateTypeMatcher2 = new DocumentMatcher('_created:[2018-10-18T18:13:20.000Z TO 2018-10-18T18:13:20.783Z]', {
type_config: {
_created: 'date'

dateTypeMatcher2.match(data3) // false
dateTypeMatcher2.match(data4) // true
dateTypeMatcher2.match(data5) // false
dateTypeMatcher2.match(data6) // false
dateTypeMatcher2.match(data7) // false


Has support for geo based queries. It expects all geo points to be in the lat,lon format.

There are 3 "geo functions" that are available for use:

  • geoDistance which checks if a point is within range

    • point = geo point,

    • distance = distance from point specified

      distance may be set to:

      • meters (can abbreviate to m)
      • yards (can abbreviate to yd)
      • kilometers (can abbreviate to km)
      • nauticalmiles (can abbreviate to NM or nmi)
      • miles (can abbreviate to mi)
      • inches (can abbreviate to in)
      • millimeters (can abbreviate to mm)
      • centimeters (can abbreviate to cm)
      • feet (can abbreviate to ft)
  • geoBox runs a geo bounding box query, checks if point is within box

    • top_left geo point
    • bottom_right geo point
  • geoPolygon runs a geo polygon query, checks if point is within polygon shape

    • points list of geo points that make up the polygon

NOTE: since geo syntax is a grammar primitive no types are needed, it can automatically infer it.

const data1 = { location: '33.435967,-111.867710' };
const data2 = { location: '22.435967,-150.867710' };

const geoBoundingBoxTypeMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('location: geoBox(top_left:"33.906320,-112.758421", bottom_right:"32.813646,-111.058902")');

geoBoundingBoxTypeMatcher.match(data1); // true
geoBoundingBoxTypeMatcher.match(data2); // false

const geoDistanceTypeMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('location:geoDistance(point:"33.435518,-111.873616" distance:"5000m")');

geoDistanceTypeMatcher.match(data1) // true
geoDistanceTypeMatcher.match(data2) // false

const geoDistanceTypeMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('location:geoPolygon(points:["32.536967,-113.968710", "33.435967,-111.867710", "33.435967,-109.867710"])');

geoDistanceTypeMatcher.match(data1) // true
geoDistanceTypeMatcher.match(data2) // false

Regex and Wildcard queries

For this types DO NOT need to be specified and is done by the query itself. A wildcard query can use the ?to represent a single non empty char and a * to match anything. A regex value must be wrapped in a / expression_here / and follows the regular expression standard. NOTE: all regex expressions are anchored!!! Design you regex accordingly

ie "abcde":

ab.* // match abcd // no match

const data6 = { key : 'abbccc' };
const data7 = { key : 'abc' };
const data8 = { key : 'zabcde' };
const data9 = { key : 'abcccde' };

// regex based queries
const regexMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('key:/ab{2}c{3}/');

regexMatcher.match(data6) // true
regexMatcher.match(data7) // false
regexMatcher.match(data8) // false
regexMatcher.match(data9) // false

// regex based queries
const regexMatcher2 = new DocumentMatcher('key:/ab*c*/');

regexMatcher2.match(data6) // true
regexMatcher2.match(data7) // true
regexMatcher2.match(data8) // false
regexMatcher2.match(data9) // false

// regex based queries
const regexMatcher3 = new DocumentMatcher('key:/.*abcd?e?/');

regexMatcher3.match(data6) // false
regexMatcher3.match(data7) // true
regexMatcher3.match(data8) // true
regexMatcher3.match(data9) // false

// wildcard query
const wildcardMatcher = new DocumentMatcher('key:?abc*');

wildcardMatcher.match(data6) // false
wildcardMatcher.match(data7) // false
wildcardMatcher.match(data8) // true
wildcardMatcher.match(data9) // false

const wildcardMatcher2 = new DocumentMatcher('key:abc??de');

wildcardMatcher2.match(data6) // false
wildcardMatcher2.match(data7) // false
wildcardMatcher2.match(data8) // false
wildcardMatcher2.match(data9) // true