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Teraslice provides scalable data processing pipelines implemented using components written in JavaScript. It uses a distributed model to spread work across a cluster of computers and can easily process millions of records per second.

The architecture is open and can be used with any data source and type of data. Most common use cases currently include ingest, validation, transformation and routing of data between Kafka and Elasticsearch clusters.

Data processing pipelines are defined as Jobs that link together processors that do the actual work. Processors are small JavaScript components that are intended to be reusable data processing operations.

Processors are collected together into libraries we call Asset Bundles which can then be easily reused across jobs. Jobs will typically use a combination of pre-built generic Processors and custom developed application specific Processors to solve a particular problem. We have pre-built asset bundles for Elasticsearch, Kafka, HDFS and Files and coming soon will be a standard library of data transformation tools.

For large scale production deployment Teraslice runs on Kubernetes and for smaller deployments has simple built in clustering.

Here are a few tasks it has been used for:

  • Data ingest from Kafka to Elasticsearch
  • Syncronizing Kafka Topics between clusters
  • Data transformation between Kafka Topics
  • Reindexing Elasticsearch data at very high volumes
  • Copying and transforming Elasticsearch data between clusters
  • Moving data out of Elasticsearch into other systems
  • Automatic syncing of data from Elasticsearch to other systems
  • Exporting data to files
  • Importing data from files stored in Amazon S3 compatible data stores
  • Periodic processing of data stored in an Elasticsearch index

The graphs below come from a high volume Elasticsearch re-indexing job. This Job copied 71.24 Billion records from a single Elasticsearch cluster, performed some data cleanup and transformation and then wrote the data out to an array of 8 Elasticsearch clusters. Total runtime on the job was 13 hours with an average throughput of 1.5 Million records per second. Without Teraslice, reliably moving this amount of data out of Elasticsearch simply wouldn't have been possible.

Overview and Getting Started


Teraslice is currently in alpha status. Single node deployment, native clustering and Kubernetes support are all stable. APIs are mostly stable but will still be evolving as we work toward a production release. See the list of open issues for other limitations.